By the nature of computer science as an applied math and its use to train our legions of software engineers, software engineering is deeply wedded to rationalism as the primary mode of thought. But that mode of thinking has limits that are not often realized and if taught at all are poorly taught. This short essay looks at the limits of rationalism as it applies to the development of large scale commercial information systems by software engineers steeped in this tradition. It concludes with some recommendations on the adjustment of an undergraduate program that would more directly address this shortcoming and give the new software engineer a larger mode of reasoning about how to approach the task. It also has implications for the graduate school programs and the directions that future PhD students could pursue.
To keep this essay short, it is limited in scope. The focus is on the engineering of large scale information systems within a commercial context. This is for several reasons. First large scale systems cannot be created by a sole contributor. The inability for one person to satisfy the client need without coordination, communication and collaboration with peers creates a change in the techniques that can be applied. What was internal thought must now be shared and what was vague must be made explicit. Since language is the way this is done, the work cannot be done without artifacts and process.
We currently use software dominated computer systems for many purposes including entertainment and machine control to say nothing of research and artificial intelligence. But the historical domination of information systems gives us a rich history to rely on and a shared foundation from which to begin. This paper is largely dominated by that history of information systems that could be specified in formal ways.
An immediate application of any contribution toward the tasks of software engineering is the education of new engineers. This piece will not stray from undergraduate material that one might hope is universal in every university computer science program. Instead it will focus on the interdisciplinary application of that material.
We very briefly remind the reader of the philosophical concept of rationalism and its contrasting concept of empiricism. The two most common process models of software methodology are mentioned, waterfall and Agile-oriented. Then the remainder looks at specific ways in which we try to apply rationalism yet find it wanting in practice. The conclusion looks at these shortcomings and possible ways of restating the issue to offer the most promising alternative to a rationalist approach.
Rationalism has rich roots in philosophy. While it includes the philosophy of mind in this essay we look at the question of what can be taken a priori versus what must be learned. Constrained in this way we can apply that concept to many important software engineering areas including requirements engineering, specification, design and testing. While rationalism is seen in the rationalization of human process (methodology) and the intrinsic nature of formal languages and machines, it is also attempted in specific tasks such as testing and requirements engineering.
Large scale development without some degree of methodology, whether explicit or implicit, is prone to failure and not a good model for engineering. There will always be exceptions but in an educational environment we teach to what can be learned, not what depends upon an exceptional practitioner.
The discussion follows the most canonical progression of software engineering tasks as often taught in the waterfall methodology.
A common characterization of large organizations which consume the majority of commercial software engineering services is that the need or opportunity to improve the organization through some project is realized. While this alone may be interesting it is before the commencement of any recognized software engineering methodology. However we want to note that it is rare for a project to to commence with a completely blank slate either in environment or in the pre-formed attitudes of the people who will make the decisions. There is an a priori set of beliefs, processes, constraints and other limiting factors which will shape the project. Insofar as it is a purely rational process, some idealized process of project management might find the result predictable. The fact that it is not is the very truth we wish to examine.
We lie to undergraduates in the computer science program. We lead them to believe that the clients give clear requirements, (ok, perhaps we help a bit) and from those we create some high level design which is reified until we have the specifications for all the modules to be coded. If we are good at our jobs as software engineers, we take those specifications and implement some algorithm which satisfies the specification. In the best of all possible worlds, that satisfaction can be proven using static analysis giving ultimate certainty that as long as the hardware properly carries out the logic that the valid input will result in the desired output.
The failure of rationalism here is rather clear, clients are rarely capable of thinking in the extremely abstract manner that is needed to reduce a human need to a formal language. Yet they alone possess the domain knowledge and judgement to decide that the completed project is acceptable. They must be satisfied and a failure to properly interpret what is needed cannot be the fault of the client alone. The software engineer is responsible for the extraction of the necessary information.
The primary tool that allows clients and software engineers to communicate is language. This is not just natural language but also the various semi-formal languages of diagrams and models. Large scale enterprises often have extensive documentation of their processes which can form at least part of the corpus of support for a requirements document in a waterfall methodology or a reference for an Agile-oriented process. But these are not formal languages and they all suffer from the common fault of all non-formal languages of potential ambiguity. There is no way to teach how one proceeds with the reductionism of natural
Agile methodologies have successfully challenged the command and control with linear process that is the waterfall methodology. One reason the waterfall is still taught is because it is rational and easy to understand. But the reality is that the pure method was more unsuccessful than successful in the industry. Rather than believe that the business analysts have completely captured all the success criteria for the system under development an Agile process assumes that the requirements are not complete and that only a working prototype will elicit the knowledge of what is lacking in the system. This is a far cry from the methodology of formal methods that depends upon formal predicates that form the needed post conditions the system must satisfy.
"In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle claims that to discover the human good we must identify the function of a human being. He argues that the human function is rational activity. Our good is therefore rational activity performed well, which Aristotle takes to mean in accordance with virtue. " (Aritstotle's Function Argument from The constitution of Agency, Christine M Korsgaard, Oxford Univ Press). Many attempts have been made to rationalize corporate governance and process. But the reality of management is that it is often necessary to make decisions in the absence of perfect knowledge and this defines a limit to this attempt at complete rationalization. People will make decisions that if complete knowledge were available might be different. Such is the nature of being human.
While systems are not humans, a similar argument applies, a good system is one which executes its function well. Function takes on a distinct mathematical definition in computer science and it is important to note that the word is qualified by "well." What does this mean?
In an earlier age we talked about functional and non-functional requirements. Those non-functional requirements are better called qualia in keeping with the work of CMU's Software Engineering Institute. So their argument goes the structure of function in a large system is not unique. There are a large number of ways to organize the ensemble yet still achieve the strictly functional specification in this narrow mathematical sense. But what can change is the other qualia of the system which can be vital to the ultimate satisfaction of the human need which motivated the project.
For large systems, the client becomes more difficult to define in the traditional engineering sense. It can be the person who pays the invoices, the person who casts the tie breaking vote when there is a disagreement over requirements, it can be the person whose business unit will benefit from the new system. Project management texts tend to call all of these stake holders in the project. There is some function of individual satisfaction that will yield a result that will "satisfice" for this collective client. But that is virtually never a well defined function. Again, there is no rationalism in the final decision regarding the intended design of the system, merely a large number of possibly contradictory or overstated requirements from many people who may disagree with each other about the true mission of the project and the system to be built. As in many other human affairs, rationalism often fails to bring consensus to a group.
Even when there is consensus on the various qualia to be achieved by the system, there is no reductionism that gives a linear path to that final design. There are heuristics, expert advise, patterns to follow and other guides but none of these represent the methodical approach that is implied by rationalism. The objective is to balance the many controllable factors to create a whole that again can "satisfice" for the problem to be solved. Much of the work of design methodology has been inspired by the auto industry which deals with a very analogous problem.
Cars must run, steer, stop, etc. These functional qualities are augmented by things like acceleration, comfort, and appeal. Metrics are easily acquired for functional properties but become progressively harder with many other qualities. How does one measure comfort? or appeal? But coming up with the proper collection of properties while remaining within the economic zone of cost and time has always been a challenge and more of an art than engineering science. This too is an area that does not yield to rationalism.
If we had rational specifications for the system to be built, we would also have what is needed to demonstrate at least partial compliance to those specifications. But design is often recursive and exploratory, not some linear process that begins with a complete specification. If a specification for the complete system is ever created, it grows with the design of the solution.
Individuals are not rational creatures. Predicting how attractive any individual will find a particular automobile is difficult although using statistical techniques it may be possible to predict some statistics for that question. Since we left the glass CRT behind and embraced bit mapped graphics we have created a progressive series of interface devices that become ever richer in their visual communication ability along with the other senses. It is not yet possible to see how far the engineering of human computer interface design will go. But one thing has become clear, the average computer science student is poorly prepared to create a usable interface without training. And the challenges of creating a linear method of going from the system design to the human interface are far greater. It requires a knowledge of the human perceptual system, principles of good visual communication as well as an ability to understand the human context in which the system will be used.
We want to believe that a software engineer is so familiar with the language and the idioms of coding that once the specification is given they proceed in some linear way to write the lines of code that will result in that system. We proceed to refute that with analogy to several other similar tasks, non-fiction writing and theorem proving.
Some writing instructors say that writing is thinking. It is not desirable for a program specification to be so reduced as to leave no room for variation. Such a specification is often difficult to work with since it hides some of the higher level knowledge to inform the software engineer how this module functions within the larger system, information that is needed to guide possible decisions to be made while coding. The coding proceeds until there is some question of design that arises that the software engineer does not have enough information to answer. The engineer must research and consider the choices and then proceed. This breaks the linear rationalistic conceit.
As we observed it is rare to have a specification for the complete system. This is the ideal state of a project that applies formal methods and when done, it is possible to methodically prove compliance to some or all of the design even before it is complete. But without that specification the best that can be achieved is a methodical process of module/system/acceptance testing which attempts to present evidence that the system under design/being delivered will perform acceptably. This also recognizes the reality of clients who will often accept less than total perfection, something economists call "satisficing".
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