Iterative methods gain their power from the inclusion of the client in the design process. In the older waterfall approaches, after the requirements were documented and signed off, the client would often see little progress (except bills and excuses why the project was behind schedule) until an advanced level of testing allowed the client to see the complete system as it is intended to work. The pain this caused when it was realized that what was built was not an acceptable solution to the client's problem was always significant since so much had already been sunk into the wrong solution. Agile at least boxes the risk into a single iteration and if they are small enough, the damage can be limited. One good trait of all these Agile methods is that they support faster failure of dysfunctional projects.
Clients have always had misgivings about requirements signoffs. While they could not articulate it, they felt they were being setup for failure. Their business expertise did not prepare them for the task of directly specifying the product they needed nor is the average business analyst prepared to completely understand the business function that is within the scope of development. Neither is generally prepared for the design tradeoffs that are often done without any direct client involvement, even if the team is articulate enough to explain how a particular design decision impacts the various emergent properties of the system under construction. The current methodologies simply don't work during the requirements elicitation and analysis phases of even the most Agile methods. Instead they substitute what I like to call the waving of the hands form of requirements where everyone simply talks about what is needed, very often in "I'll recognize it when I see it" kind of terms. The design team does their best to interpret these statements, goes away and comes back with something that can be critiqued. The progressive elaboration of models and prototypes will allow an experienced team to eventually drive to a solution.
So what is wrong with this approach? After all, it does produce a solution. Is it optimal? Who knows? Is there any traceability to the design decisions made? Probably not. Does this sound like engineering? Emphatically no. We can do better.
What this approach lacks is the top-sight and planning that enable an architecture centric approach. Many solutions do not depend upon an architecture centric approach to achieve business success. When the solution is self-contained, highly derivative of a prior effort or does not have exceptional quality requirements, the emergent properties of the system will probably not be difficult to achieve when there is little or no "big analysis up front." But this is not the forefront of software engineering today and the solution to these challenges has not yet been found.
Emergent properties of a software system do not derive from one or even a small number of design decisions made when designing the product. Rather they emerge from a collection of many, most or sometimes all of the elements that comprise the system that have cross-cutting concerns addressed in a manner that allows the ensemble to achieve the collective goal. When the top-level decomposition of responsibilities has been properly done, these emergent properties can be achieved by independent developers working on sub-systems within the larger ensemble. But too often poor choices made in the first few design decisions can block the achievement of an emergent behavior even when all purely functional properties exist in the finished product. If the emergent properties that exist do not satisfy the business need, the product is rejected. But if the tradeoffs provide a product that "satifices", the product will be accepted and since the knowledge of what might have been is at best speculative (at worst, vindictive), the missed opportunity will never be known.
This can be improved by recognizing the key decision making role the client plays throughout the design process. The key challenge faced in trying to include the client, though, can be easily seen in a near universal scenario. The client has established a timeline and budget for the project. Then the requirements gathering begins. At some point, an astute engineer will observe that it is possible to get the needed functions and qualities a, b, and c at levels of x, y, and z and this combination is judged unacceptable. The engineer turns to the client and says, which are you willing to sacrafice. The client says "none. I want them all." What is really being said here is that the client is abrogating their responsiblity to be a decision maker in the project. If the engineer is correct that the qualities cannot all be achieved simultaneously (time and budget being two of those qualities), then the decision is foisted upon a team member to make a decision for the client. Just as the client felt cornered when asked to sign off on the requirements document, so too does the designer feel abandoned just when he needs the client the most. This is, after all, a business decision, a business decision that can have real business consequences. What is needed is for the client to engage in a form of negotiation to explore the possibilities, ensure that it really is impossible to achieve all goals simultaneously and then to take responsibility for the ultimate responsibility with the help of the business analyst, architect or whoever is in the lead design role.
So you can see that it is not as if requirements are completely elaborated at the time the project team ordinarily asks the business to sign off on them. This is an important first step and one that cannot be taken lightly. But neither can this be seen as the final word for business input. For an architecture centric approach, it must include sufficient elaboration of the qualities that can only be achieved with cross-cutting concerns that span a large portion of the code base to be developed. For any development it must at least be accurate even if it is not complete. But the impact of the aspirational goals cannot be known until the design progresses to a lower level of design and only then can the implications of that set of aspirational goals be known. As soon as possible thereafter the client must be brought back into the design process to negotiate the tradeoffs that should be made.
This process is much closer to advocacy than it is to specification. As leverage points appear there is someone to argue for the most advantageous tradeoffs that achieve their client's goals. For the client representative(s), it is to collaborate with the chief designer. For the project team, it is to do the most professional job possible in predicting the properties that will be present in the final product extended from this design.
(originally posted to Dale's Dilenttantic Deliberations Sept 27, 2011)
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