show details Sep 10 (2 days ago) |
In discussing a large software project with an artist, I conjured the analogy that a software product is like a painting. Each engineer is an artist with their own style and they must paint a small portion of a large masterpiece, often without ever being able to see the whole thing. Recently, I watched a movie which made me recall this analogy and I pondered it further as a way of explaining in quite a simple way some of the rather complex interactions that occur in software engineering.
The idea centers around giving groups the common task of creating the simple image of a house with a lawn, a small family, the sun, a bird, and a flower. The image would need to be simple enough to be easily reproduced by an individual, but complex enough to offer varying entry points for concept learning opportunities.
Some of these concepts are weak and need some fleshing out.
1. Requirement solicitation:
Scenario: Give a team a sheet of paper and some coloring pencils. Express to them the importance of this drawing and that it must look exactly like what is being requested. Tell them to draw "a house with a lawn, a small family, the sun, and perhaps a bird and flower or something". Being purposefully vague and leaving them to either create only the initial description, or go ask follow-up questions.
Challenge: Requesting help and/or more information.
2. Specifying interfaces:
Scenario: Give a team the exact image they are to produce and a collection of transparencies attached to construction paper (making them non-transparent). Tell the team that each person must draw something on their transparency. Inform that the transparencies will be stacked to create the complete image.
Challenge: Specifying interfaces clearly to minimize integration failures.
Some of these concepts are weak and need some fleshing out.
1. Requirement solicitation:
Scenario: Give a team a sheet of paper and some coloring pencils. Express to them the importance of this drawing and that it must look exactly like what is being requested. Tell them to draw "a house with a lawn, a small family, the sun, and perhaps a bird and flower or something". Being purposefully vague and leaving them to either create only the initial description, or go ask follow-up questions.
Challenge: Requesting help and/or more information.
2. Specifying interfaces:
Scenario: Give a team the exact image they are to produce and a collection of transparencies attached to construction paper (making them non-transparent). Tell the team that each person must draw something on their transparency. Inform that the transparencies will be stacked to create the complete image.
Challenge: Specifying interfaces clearly to minimize integration failures.
3. Organizing for a task:
Scenario: Give a team the exact image they are to produce and a blank canvas with some pens. Tell them that each of them must contribute something and that they will be asked to state their contribution. From there, let them self-organize.
Challenge: Skill auditing. Some members will be excellent at sketching/drawing. Some may be terrible. Those that are not gifted in this area could take on a small portion of the image or provide administrative support. A variation might include purposefully leaving out supplies that a team member must requisition.
I was curious if you would have any thoughts on this.
I was curious if you would have any thoughts on this.
Me? Have opinions? Perish the thought!
This is an interesting metaphor but I probably don't see it the same way you do.
On my visit to Vienna I had a curated tour of the Kusthistoriches (Art History) Museum. In the pre-20th century tradition of large art studios, it was common for the studio to accept commissions in very must the way you describe and in a way that does have some interesting parallels to software engineering. Each studio is headed by a master who is the creative genius that gave the studio its fame and provides the marketing effort to keep it employed. But given the output of the studio, it was not possible for the master to personally paint all the canvases. Raphael ran such a studio and we spent time talking about how to tell a Raphael from his hand versus one that he may have never touched.
In the studio system the various artists had their individual talents. The less talented might be relegated to painting landscape backgrounds, another buildings, etc. Only the most talented would paint the main subject which was always a human being. The ability to achieve life-like form and tone was prized and only the very best could capture the "essence" of a human subject. For historical paintings that had many figures, the master might paint a few of the figures but would allow the studio to fill in the remainder. This form or organization seems to be very similar to how a software project develops. There is someone with experience who is responsible for the early launch and concept. But what is different is that unless it is an architecture driven development, there is no chief designer who will oversee the design from start to finish. With each phase transition it is the project manager who oversees the progress toward the goal and not an architect. A project manager is usually more focused on the more mundane aspects of the project such as time and budget rather than the less externally visible properties of the system under development.
There is a fundamental difference between art and software. For art, the effect of the completed product is what is valued and not the qualities of the individual pieces, no matter how good. So it is with a software system. A property like security is not solely dependent upon any single component, although that cross-cutting concern will be seen in many of the modules. The lack of attention to even one point in the design can doom the security of the entire system. To one extent or another, this can be true of all the quality (non-functional) requirements placed upon the system. Performance is famously lost through a weak-link in the processing as is availability; modifiability by the inappropriate decomposition of the modules; usability by the lack of a facility for an un-do in the transactions. These qualities can be reduced to an engineering model that provides quantitative, or at least, testable properties. This is not true of art which is often said to lie in the eye of the beholder; not a good quality in an engineering project.
Ironically, I have seen many project proceed as if they were art project. The project management, the client, the business analysts, and the coders all proceed with the functional requirements only and wing it with the crap that is often offered as "non-functional requirements." This forces the team to make decisions for the client as to what qualities and what relative priorities to give to those qualities. This causes the client to not perceive the lack of some quality until they see an early prototype of the product, or worse, the finished product. Then, and only then, does the performance/availability/fault tolerance/usability/security get the attention that it deserved often with disastrous consequences to the design concepts that had guided the many hands that crafted the code.
For any product that will be created by many hands I cannot believe that self-organization, as it is often understood, can work. I think most people take self-organization to be some form of egalitarian 'let's all get along' I do not believe this is what the Agile manifesto suggests. Rather I believe the Agile manifesto suggests that experienced and skilled professionals are more effective of organizing themselves for the task without an explicit plan from some "manager" who is not as experienced with the technology. However all the same roles will be filled. Group dynamics ensures that a leader will be selected and that the group will go through the steps of forming, storming, norming and performing. Self-organization will also do nothing to prevent the group dysfunctions that affect traditional forms of management as well.
Going back to your example, if a group of artists are given a commission and left to self-organize, the leader that emerges is not guaranteed to be the best artist. It is often true in engineering circles as well. Arrogance, self-confidence, domineering personalities are the most likely to be the group leaders. When this is also the most talented individual and has the leadership skills to bring the team along, the results can be striking. But it can just as easily lead to disaster or a mediocre product too.
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