Projects are funded to solve business problems. This goal directed nature of these efforts gives them a vitality that is lost if the goals cannot be succinctly expressed or are not shared by the stakeholders. This deep understanding of the goals is the sole province of the leaders of that organization. Many projects fail at this level do to the annunciation of commandments or the articulation of such laudable, but ultimately vacuous goals as to be useless for the guidance to a satisfactory conclusion. At this level, at a minimum, a project must be able to articulate how a successful conclusion will be recognized. There is no great harm in allowing untestable or abstract statements. However management must recognize that their job is not complete until the project can articulate a set of concrete business objectives that will justify the capital and expense of this project. It must also accept that this is a contract with the project team and the project stakeholders that constrain them to accept this as a stated end position and only change it with the full cooperation of the project team. After all, things change and knowledge is learned during the articulation of the goals. But too many projects lose focus and support when the vague goals they started with are never reified into something tangible enough to drive decisions and the most energetic members of management move on to other more alluring goals leaving the project with the heavy lifting of ensuring at least some reasonable goal is achieved with the resources expended.
Traditional waterfall methodologies inherited from the success of very large well disciplined organizations to manage large complex projects may never have worked very well but where they were employed with thought, consistency with well trained and stable staffs, they worked better than anything else that had previously been tried. The dominance of the model of project process led most managements to view the creation of software systems as more akin to the creation of an automobile on the assembly line than the creation of a work of art with inscrutable processes and unpredictable outcomes. Yet the experience of the past 40 years suggests that the latter may be a closer model of systems creation than the former.
The most recent understandings of project failures involve the consequences of the earliest design decisions on some of the most valuable properties of the system to be created, the emergent qualities of the complete ensemble. This view is supported by the thesis of SEI which posits that most, if not all, "non-functional" qualities of a software system derive from the was the system is decomposed and constituted during the design process. If is oft stated that you can't tack on (take your pick here: usability, security, performance, etc) on the end of an already existing product. It must be a design goal from the beginning due to the cross cutting concerns. That is to say that qualities are orthogonal to the functional needs. If you think about it, it cannot be otherwise since we know we can refactor code in any number of ways without making any change in its dynamic behavior. Yet one or two inappropriate decompositions can make the achievement of some desirable qualities difficult or impossible. Yet these earliest design decisions are made long before there is any significant understanding of even the problem-domain, no less the solution-domain for this project. This reality puts architecture-centric techniques into a tension with Agile techniques which are embraced by managements for their fast delivery of tangible results. To balance these two competing forces requires a management that can weigh short-term gain against long-term investment; that can participate in the technological vision of an architect and create a safe-space in which difficult concepts can be given enough time to mature without engaging in a blind trust that time and money will necessarily result in a better product.
Another danger faced by management at these early stages of the project is the lack of maturity both within management and within the engineering community to properly analyze the problem-space. From an engineering perspective, the requirements engineering phase is at its best if it results in a set of models which express views of the problem-space in a way that enables the designer to project a new and different version that can be understood by both the business and the development organization(s). Yet no matter how powerful, these models are often the source of a great deal of damage. At this point I always have Magritte's famous "pipe" painting in mind which proclaims "this is not a pipe." The point made is that the painting is a depiction of a pipe, not an actual pipe. In software even more than in art, the error of reification is so easy to make that it is almost impossible to avoid. No model of human or organizational behavior can ever capture the true richness of behavior that it is capable of. But rather than embrace, or even acknowledge this truth, management will attempt to use a model to constrain behavior in an attempt to achieve uniformity, uniformity that may be driven by a desire to reduce the skill set needed by the worker, to ensure that different organizations create an identical product or merely to believe that they are achieving some business goal that is never expressed. This reduction of human work to a standardized process has been studied since the dawn of the assembly line and doesn't need to be rehashed. But what is important here is how this mentality can cause the project to mistakenly believe that the model of the organization into which a system will be crafted really expresses the behavior of the people and the jobs they do rather than allow for the extra-system work that in most cases allows the system adapt and remain resilient to unexpected input. The model is not the process.
The biggest dangers in systems development are seen when the team believes they understand the problem in sufficient detail to fully articulate the solution specification. This is the realm of design. This design exists on a continuum from the selection of previous designs that satisfy this requirements, as if the problem is a burnt out bulb and the solution is the replacement with a functionally equivalent one, to creation of a novel and innovative solution to a problem that had never been tackled before, such as the creation of a spacecraft to support colonization on Mars. Too often a project is funded as if the problem space is burnt out light bulb while the stakeholders want to go on a mission to Mars. Project management, with support from senior management, must ensure that everyone on the project is guided to the same place on this continuum and that this scope is normalized to the budget it is given.
Another pitfall during this phase of the project is the abdication of management decision making. Design is all about tradeoffs. I haven't met a business manager yet that will not quip when asked if they want it fast or cheap will not answer "yes." It is not unreasonable for business managers to seek a quality product that is instantly available, does everything they could ever think of for that product and for it to be free. But we all know that it is impossible. Decisions must be made and if the business will not make them, the designers will. For the business to not engage in this decision making (assuming that the designers do not usurp that responsibility) is a clear abdication of their responsibility. While a talented designer may actually make more astute decisions than the business, the business is left poorer for its ownership of those decisions and it leaves a flaw in the crystalline connections of forces that connect the problem to the solution via a line of empowered managers. What is sought is a product that once delivered is known to represent the best decisions possible from this organization and one that cannot be disowned by those managers.
This brings me to what I believe is perhaps the most intractable danger in systems development; the achievement of emergent properties in the system. The drumbeat for "quality software" has been growing over the years and will surely increase as we attempt ever more complex systems in ever more demanding areas like health and transportation. Yet what we are grappling with is an engineering approach to achieving properties that have more in common with chaos and stochastic processes than they do with Newtonian mechanics. The Alexandrian pattern languages will enable us to evolve solutions through trial and error. Yet to an engineer this is an unsatisfactory place to be. By what principles, by what mathematics can be envision some emergent property and then back into the simple rules that will allow this property to be expressed? Kurtzweil suggests we will see singularity before 2050 but even if we do, I don't think it will do us much good. Reaching the tipping point where our manufactured logic machines have comparable statistics to the wetware in our heads does not guarantee that they will become HAL-like. Unless and until we know more about the brain than the number of neurons, dendrites, axons or even their wiring pattern, I don't think the hardware achievement will mean much beyond the new economics of computation. There is still a new mathematics waiting to be created out there, one that does not fall prey to reductionist thinking.
(originally posted to Dale's Dilenttantic Deliberations Oct 9, 2011)
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